visual artist and educator
BFA Exhibition at Lander University September 2020

Memory and the Commonplace
Artist Statement
This body of work began with an exploration of objects and imagery that were a part of the landscape of my childhood. This landscape was curated by my mother and father and included things passed down through generations as well as the objects of their young adult lives. In my work, I arrange images, objects, and visual forms into shrines and portals. This ritual process of arranging, collecting and layering imagery, objects, and visual form allows me to begin to understand trauma and memory of my own past. The materials, subjects, and imagery I work with also serve as portals, entities grounded in my present physical experience that connect me to the metaphysical place of memory. By extracting colors, tones, and motifs from my mother’s photographs I am hoping to create layered fragments of visual information that can represent both the analytical and emotional lenses I am using to examine the story revealed by her domestic commonplace. My use of light, projections, and reflective surfaces allow me to acknowledge the light I am shining on the person I ultimately want to understand and my relationship to her.
A portal home
digital video projection, graph paper, graphite

A Portal Home
a collage of video fragments
Light Source
found object with a projected video collage

Light Source
projected video
Poetic Ratio
projected video collage and found object

Poetic Ratio
projected video collage
Projections Solidified
This piece is an exploration of the solid manifestation of color tethered to a memory. A memory contained within an object becomes defined by the projection of its color.